About FMBC

In the year 1932 the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church was organized in an home. In 1937 Friendship Missionary Baptist Church was established at the location of 1213 W. Blount Street. Prior to this time, the late Rev. G. W. Trawick, his wife, Sis. Rebbie Trawick, and a faithful few spread God’s word from house to house. Rev. Trawick pastored for over 20 years before his health failed. At which time, Rev. David Savage and Rev. Loftin served respectively as pastor until the installation of Rev. Theophalis May in 1969.

For thirty-eight (38) years, Rev. Theophalis May would serve as pastor of Friendship. With the work of his hands, the sweat of his brow and the help of the community, Rev. T. May rebuilt 1213 West Blount Street location in 1969. Although renovations were required, due to damage caused by Hurricane Ivan in 2004, much of Rev. T. May’s original workmanship was preserved. In 2005, assistant pastor, LuTimothy May, Sr. led the church into its largest renovation project reaching nearly $400,000.00. In the summer of 2005, assistant pastor LuTimothy May negotiated an almost impossible agreement with former Dallas Cowboys NFL Legend, Emmitt Smith. The result of Pastor LuTimothy May efforts landed the church the purchase of a prime property of nearly an entire city block.

Rev. Theophalis May diligently pastored the Friendship family and contributed greatly to the history of this and many others during the course of his life. After his passing in 2006, his son, Rev. LuTimothy I. May, Sr., served as interim pastor and was installed in August of the same year.

Some of the old warriors of this great church who have gone on are: Founders, Rev. G.W. & Rebie Trawick, Sis. Garner, Sis. Elizabeth Young, Sis. Crenshaw, Sis. Della Lewis, Rev. Theophalis May, Sr. and many more who have played a vital part in the church’s history. We are very thankful to God for allowing us to prosper under their leadership. Today we are one of God’s striving churches. I’m sure our founders are smiling on us. The legacy of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church is one of greatness and continues to advance under the leadership of our pastor Rev. LuTimothy May, Sr.

After continued growth, the search for a new church home began. Pastor May spent countless hours and endless efforts seeking expansion opportunities! The former location was located on a smaller parcel. None of the surrounding land owners were willing to sell their properties at a price that the church could afford. Our Pastor began seeking God for direction. To accomodate and keep pace with the growing congregation, Pastor May negotiated a lease with Baptist Hospital for one of there 10,000 square foot properties and gated parking for overflow. This was still not enough! God was still increasing the church by unseen numbers! Sunday school and ministry meeting were forced to be held in various spaces, including outside on the lawn! Truly Friendship had never experienced this type of growth! Closed circuit screens were installed in the back of the sanctuary until every inch of the bulding was occupied, including the deacons seating, which were given to parishoners as the deacons join the pastor by sitting in the pulpit. In 2008 God spoke to Pastor LuTimothy May to lead the church into unchartered territories! Relocate! Pastor spoke these prophetic words to the congregation one Sunday morning. In 2009, Pastor May began intensed negotiations with the Escambia County School District for the former Brownsville Middle School, which had been closed for years. After years back and forth, it was recommended by our pastor to not move forward. Although, this decision was difficult, especially believing God spoke "Brownsville" into the pastor's heart, time would show that is was divinely inspired! After years of searching, God lead our pastor, LuTimothy May, Sr., to connect with a local church, who had been in prayer about the release of their facility. It was truly a God moment! After many conversations and even more prayers, Brother Pavlus and Pastor May agreed to moved there two congregations into this historic transaction! In June 2013 Friendship moved forward with the purchase and closing of the former Brownsville Baptist Church. The new Friendship location offers more than 50,000 square feet of space.  On Aug 4, 2013, Friendship commemorated the historical move to our new location of 2601 W. Strong St. This commemorative worship service was followed by a series of weekly celebratory services being held on each Wednesday through Sept. 4, 2013.

The campus sits on two city blocks of land and will house various outreach programs, including a private school, early childhood development center, and more. The Friendship Missionary Baptist Church continues to own and utilize the former site. The Friendship Missionary Baptist Church is one of the largest property owner of any business within the City of Pensacola with assets reaching nearly $11 Million Dollars! To God be the Glory

Rev. LuTimothy May, Sr., along with his faithful congregation, are continuously thanking God for all His goodness and pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Our Pastor


With an extraordinary anointing for ministry and greatness in his veins Rev. LuTimothy I. May, Sr. is a 2nd generation Pastor. He is the son of the late, great Rev. Theophalis May and First Lady Mary J. May. Overseer May is also the god-son of the founder, the late great Rev. G.W. Trawick and late First Lady Rebie Trawick.

Rev. L. May is blessed with the gifts of teaching, preaching, singing and speaking. God-given talent compliments his love for music. This talent has been acknowledged with several awards including his selection as lead vocalist for the Bobby Jones musical workshop in St. Petersburg, FL, his 2-time receipt of Male Vocalist of the Year award in the Concordia Ensemble at Concordia College in Selma, AL and his selection as lead soloist for the Morehouse School of Religion’s Interdenominational Theological Center Founder’s Day Choir in Atlanta, GA. Rev. L. May’s commitment to Christ is evident in all aspects of his daily life. His humble spirit and his genuine desire to learn and teach God’s word is a part of the Legacy of his mentor and father, the late Rev. Theophalis May.

His passion for young people and his sensitivity to the needs of his community is a part of his Christological understanding of the mission of the Church to win Souls through outreach. When you meet Rev. L. May his smile is infectious, his handshake affirms his sincerity, his hug warms your heart and his words inspire.

Continuing the legacy of a desire to learn, Rev. L. May received degrees from Concordia College, Selma Alabama (1998), the University of West Florida (2002), Pensacola, Florida culminating with a Master of Divinity Degree from the Morehouse School of Religion’s Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, Georgia (2005). Overseer also received his Doctorate of Philosophy, with Emphasis on Religion from the Kingdom Vessels Christian Bible Institute and Seminary(2013). His thirst for knowledge continues and is exhibited in his weekly Pastoral Bible study and in the encouraging words he offers young people. Respected for his compassion and commitment and incredible wisdom, Pastor May has been selected to multiple civic and governmental boards throughout the Greater Pensacola area. 

Complimenting his selection to the 2005's Who’s Who Among U.S. Colleges and Universities, Pastor May was selected by the Independent News as a 2009 Pensacola Rising Star. During the 2008 presidential election, Pastor May lead a charge including Pastors and leaders from multiple walks of life to march downtown Pensacola in what is now known as the first-ever “Souls to the Polls” demonstration.

Dr. LuTimothy May Sr. has been highly sought after for his insights into various areas affecting society. He has been selected by multiple governors to sit at round table discussions involving homelessness, crime prevention, economic development, voter protection rights, community policing, faith-based initiatives, and many others.

In 2017, Dr. May was invited to Switzerland as the distinguished lecturer and presenter at the Sufi Wisdom of the Prophets for two weeks. There Dr. May experience his 40th birthday with prayer blessings from nearly 100 representitive from other nations! Due to the overwhelming response, Dr. May was invited to Return to Wisdom of the Prophets Part V, in Richmond, Virginia of the same year.

In 2018 Dr. May was in a near tragic car accident, which landed him in the Sacred Heart Hospital Trauma Emergency Room. After sufferring two concussions, Dr. May awoke and everyone knew that it was only by the Grace of God that Dr. May survived! It was this same year that God brought Minister Ebony Lang into Dr. May's life to be engaged to marry. The following year 2019 Dr. May and Minister Ebony married and  has been serving as pastors together for the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church. Dr. LuTimothy May Sr., often testifies to his love for his wife, Pastor Ebony. Together, they share 5 adult children, a son-in-law and two grandchildren!

In 2020, the year of COVID-19, God strategically utilized Pastor Ebony May to guide the church in one of the city's first outside parking lot ministry. With the countless hours and efforts by Pastor "E" to present an effective and efficient minstry for untinterupted scheduling of worship, Overseer May and Pastor "E" lead the congregation to an overwhelming and awesome outside experience through worship. By the Grace of God and the creativity of Pastor Ebony, the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church never missed a service! 

Under the pastoral leadership of Overseer LuTimothy May, Sr., and Pastor Ebony, FMBC continues to experience God's Presence and Power!


A few of Dr. LuTimothy May, Sr., journey impact stops are below: 

2005-2012 Adjunct Instructor/Student Support Services TRiO Director, University of West Florida

2008-2012 County Commission Appointee to Board of Adjustments by Marie Young


2012 Baptist Hospital Board of Directors

2012-2015 Director of Community outreach, Mayors Office, City of Pensacola

2013 Gubernatorial Appointee to University of West Florida Board of Trustees (Football Passed)

2011 Organizer and Founder of Dixon School of the Arts. K-8 

2014 Organizer and Founder of Early Learning Center

2014 Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, Board of Director


Christian Education

The primary mission of the FMBC Christian Education Ministry is to equip and assist each member to become a mature believer of Jesus Christ through corporate and personal study of God’s Word and healthy fellowship with other believers. We believe every member should be a part of an age-appropriate bible study group.

Our primary objectives are:

Discipleship – Studying God’s Word;

Fellowship – Connecting in Relationship;

Service – Finding your place to serve;

Evangelism – Inviting others to belong.

Youth Ministry

It is our vision to empower our youth with biblical knowledge, spiritual guidance, and social skills which will positively impact their development and growth based on Christian faith.  Our aim is to not only lead the youth to Christ but also to educate them on the different aspects of life.  Our goals are to focus on various aspects including Community and Public Service, Academic Support, Leadership Skills, Health, Wellness, and Life Management Skills. Our desire is to connect with the youth of FMBC and our community in a way that they will understand the relevance of God in their lives today. We encourage all parents to bring your children to Youth Church and youth to bring a friend.

Youth Church is held every Wednesday from 5:30p.m.-7:30p.m.

Media Ministry

Our purpose is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually-driven, ever-changing world through the use of technology, and to equip other ministries of the church to use digital and electronic media as a worship and outreach tool. We hope to enhance the worship experience through audio and video.

This ministry provides the technical support required for all of our worship services. We also record various events, teachings, and sermons, which are made available on CD/DVD.

Do you have a natural gift or curiosity for electronics, sound or video equipment?  There are many opportunities for you to serve in Media ministry. 

Opportunities to serve:

Audio Tech – Control the volume levels for all mics and instruments used on the stage mixed in the media booth to ensure a smooth live and recorded experience.

Media Presenter – Work at the media booth computer and change lyrics, announcements, sermon notes, etc. that are projected on the screens during service.

Content Creator – Contribute articles, blogs, vlogs, or videos to promote FMBC by using your writing, editing or videography skills.

Photographer – Take pictures of people, church life, services and events on a regular basis.

Graphic Designer – Are you familiar with desktop publishing software like InDesign and Photoshop Elements for layout and image creation? There is a constant need to promote announcements and events through our web site, bulletin boards, digital signage, and other social media.

For more information, stop by the Media Booth or click here to contact us.

Married Couples

The Married Couples Enrichment Ministry (MCEM) was established in 2011 under the direction of Rev. LuTimothy May, Sr.

The ministry’s purpose is to help couples flourish in their marriage. We provide powerful educational tools that teach how to nurture communication and cherish one another in a healthy relationship. We inspire, encourage and equip those who are married through practical, Biblical resources that reveal the heart of Christ within marriage. They are then better able to present the Biblical point of view that marriage is ordained by God. This ministry will play an essential role in building successful marriages to impact children, families, the church, and ultimately, the community. FMBC Married Couples Ministry is devoted to strengthening marriages and families through fellowship and Bible enrichment activities.

Stay Connected! Text MCEM to 54244 to be the first to hear about new activities.

Ushers & Greeters

Our vision is to greet everyone with a warm smile and to serve spiritually, devoutly and willingly as doorkeepers to God’s house. Our mission is to embrace God’s people as they enter into His sanctuary and to cover them with a spirit of love and kindness.

If you are interested in joining the Usher and/or Greeter’s Ministries, please contact any Usher.

Prayer Request

How may we pray for you?

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